• 2021: PhD in Evolutionary Biology, The University of Edinburgh. Supervisors: Patrick Walsh and Nick Colegrave

    2016: MPhil in Sensory Science, The University of Nottingham. Supervisors: Joanne Hort

    2013: MSci in Zoology (First Class), The University of Nottingham.

  • 2021 - Current: Post Doctoral Researcher, Roslin Institute, The University of Edinburgh. Project Title: Towards improving efficiency through leg health and reproductive performance in commercial duck breeding flocks”.

    2016 - 2017: Sensory Scientist, Waltham Pet Care Science Institute, Waltham-on-the-Wolds.

    2013 - 2014: Sensory Scientist, Sensory Dimensions, Nottingham

    • Experimental Design

      • Split brood designs

      • Common garden experiments

    • Animal location tracking

      • Direct from video footage

      • Tracking animal location indoors using ultra-wide band technology

      • Accelerometer data

    • Statistical Analysis in R

      • Bayesian statistics

      • Frequentist statistics

      • Packages: lmer, lme4, brms, glmmTMB, tidyr

    • Python

      • Processing of animal tracking data

      • Data noise reduction using Bayesian filters

      • Packages: OpenCV4, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib